Enjoy both cardio and lower body exercises with a non-motorized treadmill

“Why am I so tired even though I exercise regularly?”
If you look around, many people have this concern.
People feel their muscle mass growing fast from professional personal training but don’t feel energized.
Let’s find out why you feel tired even if you’ve gained a lot of muscles and how to build muscle strength and stamina with DRAX.

Muscle strength and stamina are different!

It’s important to check your stamina.
Stamina is divided into health-related stamina and function-related stamina.
Health-related stamina refers to a person’s physical abilities necessary for daily life,
such as muscle strength, flexibility, body composition, cardiovascular endurance, and muscular endurance.

Among these five, the stamina associated with fatigue is cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance.
You need to develop these two endurance and muscle strength to overcome chronic fatigue.

We know that if you do weights, you’ll build muscles, and if you do cardio exercises,
you’ll build endurance. Is there any way to increase these two simultaneously?

✔ Push the ground and run – Good for developing lower body muscles and core

Running on a non-motorized treadmill effectively develops lower body muscles and core.
Unlike regular treadmills, it doesn’t have a motor, so you have to push the ground yourself.
When you push your legs back, you’ll develop your gluteus, hamstring, and calf muscles.
You’ll naturally build your core muscles to maintain your balance, developing good balance in your body overall.

✔ Running without speed restriction (sprinting) – Good for increasing cardiovascular endurance

DRAX’s non-motorized treadmill has no limit to its maximum speed.
You can run as fast as you can according to your physical strength.
Since you can run at your own pace, you can experience a similar exercise effect as actual jogging or a marathon.

Some similar products have a maximum speed limit, or its belt gets crooked in a sprint.
DRAX’s non-motorized treadmill prevents the belt from misaligning, allowing you to sprint safely.

What happens when you run and fall?
Don’t worry. It’s equipped with patented technology for “preventing reverse operation” that causes fatal accidents.
The rotating unit of the track blocks the reverse rotation!
Even if your feet get twisted, you won’t fall from the reverse rotation of the belt since it only moves in one direction.

In addition, you don’t need to adjust the motor or the belt tension with DRAX’s non-motorized treadmill.
They’re semi-permanent, reducing the burden of maintenance and costs.

The pads are textured to increase grip, and you can safely go up and down from the back.
The belt is elastic, and the driving frame is in a curve shape, inducing midfoot landing to relieve the impact on your feet and knees.
The curvature optimized for the body provides a feeling of running on an outdoor track.

Check your improving stamina with data.

Wouldn’t it be easier to run if your body’s light?
Put down your electronic devices, such as your mobile phone and smartwatch, and run lightly.
DRAX’s non-motorized treadmill has a Bluetooth data transfer feature,
allowing you to easily check your speed, time, distance, calorie consumption, and heart rate.
You can check the data as it accumulates,
which is perfect for checking if you’ve exercised enough this month and if your exercise performance is increasing.

DRAX’s non-motorized treadmill was created after more than 5 years of research and development!
It’s based on sports science, from its curvature to depth, so everything about this equipment is professional.
Increase your stamina safely with DRAX’s non-motorized treadmill~